Settle into curated time for worship planning, collaborate for Advent/Lent prep, recharge your battery in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Are you a pastor who is yearning for time away to prepare worship for the year? Or are you a commissioned pastor/ruling elder excited about getting your creative worship juices flowing in a community of other leaders? If you are the key worship leader for your worshipping community, we hope you’ll join us for a nurtured retreat where you can step aside for private or collaborative planning, along with moments to have your soul tended and minds sparked by a team of worship and music guides.

Whether you are longing to take in the Rocky Mountain vistas, seeking inspiration for your narrative or revised common lectionary preaching, longing for collaborative worship series planning, or hoping for a preaching tune-up, we think you’ll find the right formula at CAMP.


August 11-15, 2024


YMCA of the Rocky Mountains | Estes Park Center, Colorado


$50 PC(USA) participants within the OPSF service region.
$125 Participants outside the OPSF service region and non-PC(USA) participants.

$100 is required to register with $50 refunded at check-in.